viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

English Language challlenges

Well, I must be realistic, this is the last post on this blog. Although I think it would be interesting to continue writing. I could consider a good alternative to continue practicing my English.

I can remember my first English class at the university, it was in English.
III. I liked it because I think it's a fun topic, I think it's the only one I've heard from all my colleagues.

This semester I decided to miss some classes because I had a lot of work. I do not like to miss classes because I like English class. I think it's a class with a balanced level of humor and content. Hahaha

Humor is always necessary
Who could live without humor?

At first I was ashamed to speak in front of my partners, but now that I know them, everything is much more comfortable. Sometimes funny events happen, for example, when someone speaks Spanglish. In general, all classes have fun times.

I do not know how I will practice English after classes are over. Writing would be a solution but it is not enough. Well, I have friends who speak English perfectly ... I'll think about it.

As a first step, I think I'll continue watching the series in English, but with subtitles. Do not tell anyone, please hahaha. The teacher could know this.

What can be improved?

I think the English class is good. The teachers are friendly and do their best.
The problem of English is the poor compatibility with study programs and class schedules. My schedule has no problems but I have partners who have the worst schedules.

I do not want to say goodbye, see you soon!

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Hi all!
Previously I told you that I study architecture and about my job expectations.
I have never told you about the experience of studying architecture, especially about my study program. First, I will talk about the teaching of architecture in my university and finally the changes that I would make.
The architectural study programs are very different from the studies. All universities have different visions and therefore some of them are very demanding and others are very relaxed.

In my faculty, the architecture program consists of theoretical subjects in the mornings and practical workshops in the afternoon. In the mornings we learn about the history of architecture, structural calculation, urban planning and research. In the afternoon we create projects where we use all the content we have learned.
Until this point everything looks beautiful but the truth is that it is not.

The demand for work is extremely high. The afternoon workshops are very demanding and generate conflicts with the theoretical subjects. Many students decide not to attend classes because they must study, make reports, research and projects.

I did not know I was going to study two careers in one!
According to our professors, "whoever does not meet these requirements can not be the architect of the University of Chile". I believe that this thought is absurd. Other universities have programs designed for the student's comfort. These universities have a better architecture ranking than us.

The best change i would make to my curriculum would be to reduce the workload. I am very worried about the health of my partners.

Now you want to talk about infrastructure?

Administrative charges do not invest in infrastructure. Currently the buildings of the faculty are in poor condition. I think if I keep talking about the problems of my study program, nobody will study in this institution. 


miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


For a long time, in the south of Chile, there is a situation of territorial conflict led by the Mapuche people. The aboriginal people of the area. This conflict is about is about the land dispute that was stolen years ago.
This situation has produced a constant confrontation with the police and the current owners of the land. So the police have invested excessively in combat equipment.
Product of this investment was formed "command jungle", which two weeks ago killed a young Mapuche. The government authorities celebrated this news as a triumph of the law. However, it was shown that the young man was innocent and was not committing a crime at the time he was shot.
The first thing that comes to mind is "what horrible news, he was so young ...". Then I ask myself, if he was innocent, why did he die? And if he was guilty, did he deserve to die?
In no case do I consider death as punishment. I worry about the safety of people in the streets. It is not acceptable for the police to lose control and do what they want.
I know that not all policemen are bad but their first duty is to take care of people, not to attack them.
Finally, I think I should ask for public apologies and that the responsible person faces justice
Remember once that the police beat my best friend when he asked for his ID card. he was not doing anything bad
I know that not all policemen are bad but their first duty is to take care of people, not to attack them. under no circumstance.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

the Rockstar

Sometimes I think, what would be of my future if I did not study architecture? Maybe I would have studied engineering, but it's not my destiny. After all, I already resigned. It is irrevocable.

My alter ego is the person I want to be in my frustrated dreams. As I said on another occasion, I would like to be a musician, but a recognized one. A fucking rockstar, you understand me? .

I would love to create songs that like the rest and be able to interpret them live. I like the idea of feeling the adrenaline of going on stage and thousands of people expecting something good from you.
The bad part about this ...

I think about celebrities like Iggy Pop, Ozzy Osbourne, Janis Joplin and I would not like to have a life of excesses that could influence my musical performance.
I think being famous does not mean having a quiet life. You can not do things like normal people. You must live in the shadows. I do not think this is healthy in the future. This explains why many celebrities have suffered depression.

I could have a mansion in Miami and be a neighbor of Don Francisco. You can imagine it? Haha how boring. Finally, my life would end up being monotonous, doing shows and then hiding at home until a new presentation. Maybe sharing on instagram, although it's not enough.

A few weeks ago I went to the cinema to see the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which shows the life of Fredy Mercury. Do you know what I learned? It's worth it, sex drugs and rock & Roll, Moth ** Fu *****!!

Just Kidding

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Generic jobs are scarce in the professional area. For example, if you are a teacher you need to choose an area of expertise, as well as an ingeneer such as electric, mechanic, informatics, so on and so forth. The companies do not look for professionals who have only studied the degree, but professionals who continue studying,

For this reason, I consider important the idea of having a graduate degree once my university stage is over. I am interested in the subject of railway infrastructure because of the importance it has for the development of a country. Formerly Chile was connected from north to south by train and political interests stopped being. Currently people are interested in returning to this system and I would like to collaborate through my profession.
As a curious fact, my grandfather worked as a machinist. I think it's funny that I'm interested in the subject of trains. when I was little I used to say that I would be a machinist and my mother joked that I would be a metro driver.
I've been researching where I can study this topic and Europe is the answer. Europe has a great history of railway development. I think it would be interesting to live in Europe during my studies and observe the train system. Money could be a problem but my first goal is to finish my career.
What´s about you?

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

My Future Job

Well. I think everyone knows or imagines what an arquitect does. The arquitects not only design and build houses. Also some arquitects are dedicated to research on new materials, others supervising buildings and others who only study the discipline and write literature related to arquitecture. As you can see, arquitects do a lot of activies more. I´m interested in technological innovation because i think it´s important to evolve on constructive methods. Currently the construction processes pollude too much and i think it is necessary to be more friendly with the environment.

I do not care if i work inside or outside of an office, I just want to be comfortable with my work.
I know that arquitects do not have a good salary, but i do not care. Previously i studied engineering and engineers have good salaries. I did not change my career for the money.
I think famous arquitects are overrated. I think they only gain fame because their projects have extravagant forms. I believe  that arquitects have a duty with the society, the duty to improve the lives of people.
In the future I would not like to become an egocentric arquitect who does not work with dedication  for other people. If you see me like this in the future. Kill me please.

Here, I am working hard to be an arquitect

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Hi everyone
As you read in an older publications on this blog, I have lived my whole life in Santiago. And I wonder, Do we all live in the same Santiago?

Santiago is a very big city. it is considered a huge urban sprawl. I believe that its problem is not about its size, but its functioning. Unfortunately, this is a problem related to the country model that we have built along the history therefore for the people that live in santiago Santiago have daily problems, for people who do not live in Santiago have bigger problems such as lack of access and services that are only found in the capital.

For example, I live in Puente Alto, Puente Alto is in the periphery of Santiago. Living in the periphery means many problems related to the size and functioning of the city. In the first place, the concentration of urban facilities is totally centralized and causes that the bus trips are extensive, in addition, many people live in stgo. Around half of the country lives only in the metropolitan area, for this reason is that services frequently collapse.
if we continue with this thought about what a city means. I do not think that Santiago can be a Smart city in the future and comply exactly with the points made by experts. Maybe there will be bigger cities in the future and it will be considered a Smart Cities, and the reason for this is the will of the politicians and the collaboration of people. I think Santiago could improve functioning by investing in an efficient public transport system. There are subway and bus systems but they should work with better coordination. 

Other cities have trolley car and others systems, do you know some?